Company Repertoire

Le Jeune Dance Company produces three professional full length ballets every season.   Starting with a family favorite of Nutcracker Ballet in late November early December.  Then followed by two of the other 12 repertoires that the company has produced, the second in February and a third in May.

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Nutcracker Ballet (every year)

Le Jeune Dance performs the Nutcracker Ballet every season.  This is a family favorite.  

Nutcracker is a full length, 2 act ballet with a cast of 60-90 people.


Based on a novel by 19th-century romantic fabulist E.T.A. Hoffman, The
Nutcracker weaves a magical tale of holiday adventure around one of the most recognizable scores in the ballet repertoire. It begins when young Clara receives a nutcracker from her godfather, a wizardly toymaker named Drosselmeyer at the family holiday celebration. Sneaking downstairs to see the toy after everyone else has gone to bed, she suddenly finds herself caught in the middle of a pitched battle between toy soldiers and an army of mice. After saving the nutcracker with a well-thrown shoe to the Mouse King’s head, Clara and her now life sized prince venture through the Land of Snow and to Land of Sweets to celebrate.

Throughout their adventures, Tchaikovsky’s dazzling inventiveness propels the dances of nimble flowers and regal fairy queens. The “Waltz of the Snowflakes” floats weightlessly above the angelic voices of a youth choir, whereas the “Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy” tiptoes to the haunting, music-box chimes of a celesta. A medley of exotic national dances—including a Spanish bolero and Russian Trepak—add to the phantasmagoric celebration before the whole dream ends, as all dreams must.


Paquita Ballet

Audience members of all ages will be entertained with a magnificent showcase of classical technique, dazzling tutus and non-stop dynamic dancing!


Paquita is the creation of French composer Édouard Deldevez and Paris Opéra Ballet Master Joseph Mazilier. It was first presented at the Salle Le Peletier by the Paris Opera Ballet on 1 April 1846 and was retained in the repertory of the Opéra until 1851.  

The heroine is the young Romani girl, Paquita. She doesn't know that she is really of noble birth, having been abducted by Romani people when she was an infant. She saves the life of a young French officer, Lucien d'Hervilly, the target of a Spanish governor who plots to have him killed by Iñigo, a Roma chief.   By way of a medallion she discovers that she is of noble birth, being in fact the cousin of Lucien. As such, she and the Officer are able to get married.  The suite celebrates Paquita and her love Lucien's wedding day.

Act II, Paquita
Wedding Celebration

Paquita was original performed by the Paris Opera Ballet in 1846
as a romantic ballet in two acts and three scenes. In 1881, Petipa produced
a revival of the ballet with three acts including the famous Act III wedding.
Today, Paquita is rarely performed as a full story ballet. Some modern
productions have reconstructed (as far as possible) the original ballet and
story, although this is rare. Today these pieces, particularly the Grand pas,
Pas de trois and the Children’s Mazurka are major cornerstones of the
traditional classical ballet repertory. They have been staged by ballet
companies throughout the world as part of the grand wedding celebration. The full length story takes place in Spain during the occupation of Napoleon's army. The heroine is the young Gypsy girl, Paquita. She was abducted by Gypsies when she was an infant and is truly of noble bloodline. She saves the life of a young French officer, Lucien d'Hervilly. Paquita and Lucien fall in love. Lucien and Paquita’s marriage is given a blessing when Paquita’s family line is revealed.

The wedding scene opens with a processional of children entertaining the
wedding guests through traditional Mazurka dance. Bridesmaids, noblemen,
Lucien and Paquita perform an array of dances. The wedding party elegantly
leap and spin across the stage in unison. Next come a series of solos by the
bridesmaids, each completely different in speed, steps, and mood. Paquita
and Lucien return for their own solos. The music speeds up with a glittering
showcase of classical technique, dazzling tutus, and non-stop virtuosic
jumps and turns. The wedding scene commences with a grand tableaux
vivant (living portrait).

Snow White Ballet


Once upon a time, a young Queen wished for a child who would have hair as black as ebony, skin as white as snow, and lips as red as blood. Soon after, the kind queen’s wish was granted and she named her baby girl Snow White. Sadly, the queen died after giving birth to Snow White. Some years later, Snow White’s father, the King, married a new woman who was beautiful but also very jealous, vein and cruel. She had studied dark magic and had a magic mirror. Every day she would look in the mirror and ask “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of us all?” Each time the mirror would answer back “You are the fairest of all, O Queen.” The Queen was always pleased as she knew the mirror only spoke the truth.

As Snow White grew older, she became more and more beautiful every day. One morning the Queen asked the mirror: “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of us all?” The mirror answered: “You, O Queen, are fair, it’s true, but Snow White is lovelier than you.” The Queen flew into a jealous rage and ordered the Huntsman to take Snow White into the forest, kill her, and bring back her heart as proof. The Huntsman could not bring himself to do such a terrible act. He left Snow White alone and scared in the forest.

This is where Snow White’s journey begins. Along the way she will meet forest animals, trees and flowers. They bring her to the home of the Seven Dwarfs where she will cook and clean for them in exchange for a place to stay.

Believing that Snow White is dead, the Queen asked the mirror again and the mirror answered back “You, O Queen, are fair, it’s true, but Snow White is lovelier than you.” This reply angered the Queen and she tried to kill Snow White two more times with a corset from the market and a comb she took from a young girl’s hair. Each time the Dwarfs came home just in time to save her life and warned her to trust no one. Once again the Queen asked the mirror and when it told her that Snow White still lived she trembled with rage. She went to the apple orchard and picked the most perfect red apple. She returned to her dungeon, poisoned the apple and used her magic to transform herself into a witch.

Her final attempt to kill Snow White failed when a handsome prince who was hunting in the woods discovered Snow White. He fell in love with her at first sight, and broke the spell with a kiss.

Our story ends with the wedding celebration of Snow White and the Prince who live happily ever after.

Don Quixote

Don Quixote is in his study, engrossed in a book about ancient chivalry. He falls asleep and dreams that he is a knight defending his ideal woman, Dulcinea. While he sleeps, Sancho Panza bursts through the door. The gluttonous Sancho has stolen a ham, and a group of exasperated housewives is pursuing him. Startled by the commotion, Don Quixote turns the angry women out of the room. An idea then comes to him: He will make Sancho his squire, and together they will set out on an adventure to defend virtue and punish those who don’t uphold the code of chivalry.

At a square in Barcelona, festivities and dancing are taking place. Kitri, daughter of the innkeeper, professes her love for Basilio, a barber. Kitri’s father Lorenzo spots the lovers in the crowd and separates them, insisting that Kitri will marry the wealthy, foppish nobleman Gamache. Don Quixote and Sancho Panza’s arrival in the square causes a commotion. When Don Quixote sees Kitri, he mistakes her for Dulcinea, and the two briefly dance a minuet. At the height of the merriment, Kitri and Basilio sneak off, pursued by Don Quixote, Sancho Panza, Lorenzo and Gamache.

Don Quixote dreams he is a knight surrounded by forest nymphs and cupids; in the dream, Kitri symbolizes his ideal woman, Dulcinea.  At sunrise, Sancho Panza, Lorenzo, and Gamache arrive, interrupting his dream. Now sympathetic to the young lovers’ situation, Don Quixote attempts to lead Lorenzo and Gamache astray.

There is much merrymaking as the village celebrates the marriage of Kitri and Basilio. With Don Quixote as the guest of honor, the happy lovers dance for him.  Don Quixote congratulates them, then bids farewell to all. Together with Sancho Panza, Don Quixote continues on his adventures.

La Esmeralda Ballet


La Esmeralda was inspired by the novel Notre Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo. The ballet was originally choreographed by Jules Perrot to music by Cesare Pugni with sets by William Grieve for three full acts.

In Le Jeune Dance’s special adaptation.......
The beautiful gypsy girl, Esmeralda, under gypsy law, “marries” the poet, Pierre Gringoire to save him from execution in the hands of the Gypsy King. The groom is smitten, but Esmeralda makes it clear that the marriage is strictly one of convenience. However, the corrupt Archdeacon Claude Frollo is unpleased with the entire situation and orders for the capture of Esmeralda.

Chance brings Esmeralda to a fateful encounter with the handsome Captain Phoebus de Châteaupers. She falls in love with him, unaware that he is engaged to the beautiful Fleur de Lys. Phoebus gives Esmeralda his fiancée’s scarf.

Celebrations are arranged to formally announce Fleur de Lys’ engagement. Avoiding main streets and the capture orders, Esmeralda dances her way to greet and congratulate Fleur de Lys for finding love. Esmeralda also filled with happiness in her heart tells Fleur de Lys of her own love. The two unknowingly speak of the same man. However, it is not long before Esmeralda discovers Fleur de Lys’s engagement announcements include Captain Phoebus. Esmeralda is crushed to find her fondness for Captain Phoebus ignored and not reciprocated.

Oblivious to Esmeralda’s troubles the festivities continue, until Fleur de Lys discovers her scarf with Esmeralda. Fleur de Lys angrily calls off the wedding. Captain Phoebus pleas for Fleur de Lys’ understanding. He declares the interaction with Esmeralda as meaningless.

Esmeralda, confused and sad finds comfort in the sweet poet Pierre Gringoire and her faithful friends.



The tale of Cinderella inspires hope and will sparkle the heart with humor. Set to the music by Sergei Prokofiev.

Act I - Cinderella dreams of dancing with a prince at the ball. Her unkind stepmother and stepsisters leave her behind as they depart to the Royal Palace. Cinderella's genuine kindness sets a series of magical moments by a Fairy Godmother and her many assistants help Cinderella prepare for the ball. Cinderella must race against time to find her prince and enjoy the moment. When the clock strikes midnight the magic disappears.

Act II - Mysterious music is heard at the ball as Cinderella arrives in a pumpkin carriage. She is believed to be a princess. The Prince, entranced, offers her rare oranges was a refreshment. Prince and Cinderella, alone, declare their love for each other. A walk begins. Enchanted, Cinderella forgets the warning to mind her time. The clock strikes midnight. Cinderella rushes from the royal place, losing a shoe.

Act III - The Prince teaches every corner of the Kingdom to find the mysterious ball guest who lost her shoe. Cinderella's stepsisters try to cram their large feet into the little slipper, hoping to convince the prince that it is theirs. The Princes's attention is brought to the modest Cinderella in the shadows of the background. He immediately recognizes Cinderella.

The Fairy Godmother appears and the lovers are united as they walk away into the golden light of happiness.

Coppélia Ballet



Dr. Coppélius is a doctor who has made a life-size dancing doll. It is so lifelike that Franz, a village youth, becomes infatuated with it and sets aside his heart's true desire, Swanhilda. She shows him his folly by dressing as the doll, pretending to make it come to life and ultimately saving him from an untimely end at the hands of the inventor.

Act I

The story begins during a town festival to celebrate the arrival of a new bell. The town crier announces that, when it arrives, anyone who becomes married will be awarded a special gift of money. Swanhilda and Franz plan to marry during the festival. However, Swanhilda becomes unhappy with Franz because he seems to be paying more attention to a girl named Coppélia, who sits motionless on the balcony of a nearby house. The house belongs to a mysterious and faintly diabolical inventor, Doctor Coppélius. Although Coppélia spends all of her time sitting motionless and reading, Franz is mesmerized by her beauty and is determined to attract her attention. Still upset with Franz, Swanhilda shakes an ear of wheat to her head: if it rattles, then she will know that Franz loves her. Upon doing this, however, she hears nothing. When she shakes it by Franz's head, he also hears nothing; but then he tells her that it rattles. However, she does not believe him and runs away heartbroken.

Later on, Dr. Coppelius leaves his house and is heckled by a group of boys. After shooing them away, he continues on without realizing that he has dropped his keys in the melée. Swanhilda finds the keys, which gives her the idea of learning more about Coppélia. She and her friends decide to enter Dr. Coppelius' house. Meanwhile, Franz develops his own plan to meet Coppélia, climbing a ladder to her balcony.

Act II

Swanhilda and her friends find themselves in a large room filled with people. However, the occupants aren't moving. The girls discover that, rather than people, these are life-size mechanical dolls. They quickly wind them up and watch them move. Swanhilda also finds Coppélia behind a curtain and discovers that she, too, is a doll.

Dr. Coppelius returns home to find the girls. He becomes angry with them, not only for trespassing but for also disturbing his workroom. He kicks them out and begins cleaning up the mess. However, upon noticing Franz at the window, Coppélius invites him in. The inventor wants to bring Coppélia to life but, to do that, he needs a human sacrifice. With a magic spell, he will take Franz's spirit and transfer it to Coppélia. After Dr. Coppelius proffers him some wine laced with sleeping powder, Franz begins to fall asleep. The inventor then readies his magic spell.

However, Dr. Coppelius did not expel all the girls: Swanhilda is still there, hidden behind a curtain. She dresses up in Coppélia's clothes and pretends that the doll has come to life. She wakes Franz and then winds up all the mechanical dolls to aid their escape. Dr. Coppelius becomes confused and then saddened when he finds a lifeless Coppélia behind the curtain.

Swanhilda and Franz are about to make their wedding vows when the angry Dr. Coppelius appears, claiming damages. Dismayed at having caused such an upset, Swanhilda offers Dr. Coppelius her dowry in return for his forgiveness. However, Franz tells Swanhilda to keep her dowry and offers to pay Dr. Coppelius instead. At that point, the mayor intervenes and gives Dr. Coppelius a bag of money, which placates him. Swanhilda and Franz are married and the entire town celebrates by dancing.

(source: wikipedia))

 La Bayadère Ballet


The full-length La Bayadère received its World Premiere by the Imperial Ballet at the Bolshoi Kamenny in St. Petersburg on February 4, 1877. The dancers were Ekaterina Vazem (Nikiya) and Lev Ivanov (Solor). The mime role of Solor was performed by Pavel Gerdt.


Set in the Royal India of the past, La Bayadère is a story of eternal love, mystery, fate, vengeance, and justice. The ballet relates the drama of a temple dancer (bayadère), Nikiya, who is loved by Solor, a noble warrior.  She is also loved by the High Brahmin, but does not love him in return, as she does Solor.

Set in the Royal India of the past, La Bayadère is a story of eternal love, mystery, fate, vengeance and justice. The ballet relates the drama of a temple dancer (bayadère), Nikiya, who is loved by Solor, a noble warrior. She is also loved by the High Brahmin, but does not love him in return, as she does Solor.

Act I 

Outside Temple in the Sacred Forest: The High Brahmin, priests and temple dancers are celebrating the Indian Ritual of Fire. Nikiya, the most beautiful of the bayadères, has been chosen to be consecrated the lead temple dancer. The High Brahmin declares his love for Nikiya but is rejected by her. Nikiya meets secretly with Solor later than evening. They dance together and swear eternal love over the Sacred Fire but are discovered by the jealous High Brahmin, who vows to kill Solor.

The Rajah has decided to reward Solor’s valor and decrees that the warrior will marry his daughter, Gamzatti. Gamzatti falls in love with Solor’s portrait, and when they meet, he is overwhelmed by her beauty. Even though he has sworn eternal love to Nikiya, he cannot defy the wishes of the Rajah and agrees to marry Gamzatti. The High Brahmin informs the Rajah of Nikiya and Solor’s secret love, hoping that the Rajah will do away with Solor. Instead, the Rajah decides to kill Nikiya.

This conversation is overhead by Gamzatti, who summons Nikiya to her rooms and attempts to bribe Nikiya to give up Solor. Refusing, Nikiya frantically attempts to kill Gamzatti. Nikiya flees and Gamzatti swears to destroy her.

At the betrothal of Solor and Gamzatti, Nikiya is commanded to dance. Gamzatti presents her with a basket of flowers that Nikiya believes to be from Solor, which conceals a deadly snake. Nikiya is bitten, and when Solor leaves with Gamzatti, she refuses the proffered antidote and dies.


Solor, grief-stricken and under the influence of opium, dreams of being reunited with Nikiya in the Kingdom of the Shades. Awakening, he realizes that he must prepare to marry Gamzatti.  

The vision of Nikiya remains with Solor as the wedding ceremony begins at the Sacred Temple. As Solor and Gamzatti say their vows and are blessed by the High Brahmin, the vengeance of the gods is unleashed, and the temple and all the celebrants are destroyed. Nikiya and Solor are once again united in eternal love.


La Fille Mal Gardée



Act I

Scene 1 – The Farmyard:

Lise, the only daughter of Simone, is in love with Colas, a young farmer. However, her mother, a widow and owner of a prosperous farm, has a more ambitious plan in mind for her daughter.

The dawn of a busy day on the farm is heralded by the rooster and his attendant hens. Lise, disappointed at not seeing Colas, The lovers eventurally meet, but are interrupted by Simone, who sets her daughter a task churning butter. Colas, who is hiding in the loft, joins her. The work is, at first, shared by them but is soon forgotten as they declare their love for each other.

A little later, some farm girls summon Lise to play, but her mind is elsewhere. Her suspicious and ever-watchful mother catches hold of her and chastises her. Just then Thomas, the pompous and wealthy proprietor of a vineyard, arrives with his son Alain. Simone, aware of the purpose of their mission, dismisses Lise. Thomas is there to ask for Lise’s hand in marriage to his son, and when Lise returns, Alain, coy and clumsy, shows off his paces. She is amused and a little shocked by his antics, but definitely not interested. They all set off for the harvest.

Scene 2 – The Field:

After a day working in the fields, the harvesters, led by Colas, relax in a joyful dance. Lise and Alain dance, but Colas intervenes, and Lise makes it clear where her preference lies. One of the harvesters plays the flute to the general merriment of all. Alain decides to take a turn playing the flute, but the harvesters are less than entertained. The field is now left clear for the triumphant Colas, who dances with Lise. Simone joins the merriment and the town’s children celebrate in merrily dancing just as a storm begins and everyone runs to shelter from the rain.

Act II – The Farmyard

Mother and daughter, soaked by the storm, return to the farmhouse yard to dry off. They sit down beside a spinning wheel and begin to spin; work, thinks the mother, should keep Lise out of mischief. But Simone is overcome by sleep. Lise, who has seen Colas through the gate, tries to take the key from her mother. Simone wakes, and in order to remain watchful, plays the tambourine for Lise to dance. But the taps grow feebler, she begins to nod, and soon she is fast asleep. Lise then runs to the gate to sneak Colas in. The knocking of the harvesters, coming for their pay, awakens Simone. Lise quickly hides Colas in the shed. Simone heads off to pay the harvesters. Meanwhile Colas and Lise dream of their marriage and future family. Upon Simone’s return she finds Colas with Lise. After chasing Colas away, the ever-suspicious mother, hustles Lise into the shed, locking the door. Alain and his father now arrive with a notary to complete the marriage contract. Alain refuses to sign the contract. He demands the key to the shed. Colas and Lise ermerge. The lovers beg Simone for a blessing. In spite of the fury of Thomas and Alain, she finally gives in and everyone rejoices in the celebration.



Act I

The story of Giselle is a romantic tale of innocent love and betrayal; of philandering Count Albrecht and a trusting peasant maid, Giselle. Although she has a weak heart, Giselle loves to dance.

Her beauty has enchanted Albrecht. On the day of the village wine festival, Albrecht, in order to court Giselle, disguises himself as a peasant. Giselle, in her innocence and unaware of his noble birth, resists Albrecht’s advances – only to succumb to his ardour and persistence. He gently induces her to trust his pledge of eternal love. His plans are thwarted by the arrival in the village of a hunting party which includes the Duke of Courland and his beautiful daughter Bathilde, to whom Albrecht is already engaged.

Bathilde is enchanted with Giselle and her youthful innocence. When Giselle tells the princess that she is engaged, Bathilde gives her a necklace, unaware that they are betrothed to the same man.

Hilarion, a gamekeeper in love with Giselle, discovers Albrecht’s disguise. Consumed with jealousy, he reveals his rival’s true identity. Giselle loses her reason, and the first act ends with the famous mad scene, and her death.

Act II

Giselle has been buried deep in the forest and has now become a wili. The wilis are ghostly apparitions of folklore, girls who have died betrayed by their faithless lovers on the eve of their weddings.

Hilarion is discovered mourning at Giselle’s grave. Myrtha, Queen of the Wilis, summons her maidens, who haunt the forest, luring wayfarers to dance with them until they die from exhaustion before the dawn. Hilarion is forced to dance until he dies.

Albrecht, full of remorse, comes to mourn at Giselle’s grave. The Queen commands Giselle to come from her grave and entice Albrecht to join her in dance. Giselle continues dancing with Albrecht through the night. Although she has been betrayed by Albrecht, Giselle still loves him, and helps him to stay alive until the dawn, when the wilis lose their power and will not be able to destroy him.

With the arrival of the dawn, Giselle vanishes back into her grave, and Albrecht is left alone with his sorrow. But his life is saved.

La Sylphide




La Sylphide -Act 1
Young Scotsman, James, is about to be married to Effie. The morning of the wedding day, James is dozing in a chair by the fire when a Sylphide appears beside him and wakes him with an airy kiss. The Sylphide playfully dances for James before she vanishes up the chimney.

James greets his lovely bride and her friends. He tries to forget the enchanting Sylphide. Among the wedding party James has a rival, his cousin Gurn, who is also very much in love with Effie. During the preparations for the wedding an old fortune teller, Medge, enters and huddles before the fire, trying to warm himself. James orders him out of the house, but Gurn befriends Medge. Medge reads Effie’s palm and predictions that the young girl will never marry James but will become the wife of Gurn.

When James, confused and unsettled, is left alone again, the Sylphide appears in the window. She tries to convince James to follow her to the forest where she lives. Gurn returns to see James chasing the empty air. He runs to fetch witnesses to James’s irrational behavior.

The wedding festivities begin, and the guests dance an exhilarating Scottish reel. In the midst of this cheerful dance the Sylphide flies across the room, invisible to all but James. He deserts Effie to follow the Sylphide, but she has disappeared. Finally, everything is ready for the ceremony. James is holding the ring with which he is to marry Effie. The Sylphide reappears and swiftly snatches the ring. James follows her out of the house and into the forest. In the meantime, Effie appears to proceed with the wedding ceremony but James is not there. Effie collapses in her mother’s arms with tears. Gurn jubilantly seizes the opportunity to console Effie with care and affection.

Wild West


The newly settled western town thrives in the gold rush. The prosperous town ladies and children happily enjoy their simple day-to-day lives. The town explodes with excitement when a suspicious character arrives in town. The dubious character creates a chaotic scene with horses. Meanwhile she robs the town of their valuables. The town’s sheriffs are quick to respond and become the heroes of the day.

Antoinette's Enchanted Garden